Thursday, April 16, 2009

How I made Newt Gingrich Laugh

When we were in DC at Christmas we met someone famous. We were looking at all of the Christmas trees that surround the huge tree that is the national tree. Every state has a Christmas tree that is decorated with items that are specific to that state. For example the Texas tree was decorated with small paper yellow roses inside a clear ornament.

Anyway, it was very crowded and John saw Newt Gingrich standing next to him. John had Wesley on his left side and he nudged him and pointed to Newt. John and Wesley began talking to him and before long got their picture taken with him. I came over because I couldn’t see who they were talking to because of all the people. This is the conversation that I had with Newt Gingrich and his wife, I even made them both laugh!!!
I was telling Newt that I thought he was great and his wife said “do you even know who he is?” I looked at her puzzled and I said “yes, he is Newt Gingrich the former speaker of the house.” He smiled and she said “well you wouldn’t believe the people that think he is Phil Donahue.” I said “Oh my heavens no! He doesn’t have any horns or a pitch fork!!! “ They both laughed genuine laughs and said it was nice to meet me!!
And that folks is how I made Newt laugh!!!

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